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Biological and life and health industry ushered event



September 22 morning, organized by the Shenzhen Municipal Government, Shenzhen Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Shenzhen Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Council hosted the 2016 Shenzhen International BT (BT biotechnology Biotechnology Abbreviation) leaders summit in Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center, 5th Floor, Plum Hall the official opening. About 800 domestic and foreign well-known in the field of biological and life and health scientists, entrepreneurs and other guests and visitors attended the opening ceremony, to discuss the hot issues of industrial development, to carry out academic exchanges, research policy and industrial cooperation to promote domestic and foreign biological life and health the rapid development of science and industry.

It is understood that the current BT Leadership Summit follows the theme of “green economy, and create a better life”, it is divided into two keynote speeches, a high-end forum for dialogue and eight, were invited from more than 70 world-renowned pharmaceutical manufacturers, biotechnology companies Research and distinguished representatives of investment institutions attended, including 26 foreign experts, seven Chinese academicians, four foreign academicians.

Shenzhen Municipal Committee, Municipal Government party members Tian Fu said in his speech, biological and life and health industry is one of the most active innovation, innovation is most obvious, the most far-reaching impact of the emerging industry, but also a new round of technological revolution and the industrial revolution of the high ground, accelerate the innovation and development of biological life and health industry, the supply-side structural reforms to promote the development of the new economy, and foster the construction of new power and health China has an important significance.

More than 200 well-known companies released the latest scientific and technological achievements

The same morning, organized by the Shenzhen Municipal Government, Shenzhen Municipal Trade Promotion Committee and the Development and Reform Commission, jointly sponsored 2016 biological life and health industry exhibition in Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center was officially curtain. Exhibition set up five zones, namely life information and biotechnology innovation exhibition, exhibition of agricultural and biological breeding, exhibition of medical equipment and medical wisdom, modern high-quality health services and biomedical products exhibition equipment exhibition.

Reporters learned from the opening ceremony, the exhibition organized meeting of more than 20 topics, more than 100 research papers, keynote speeches, high-end dialogue, seminars and other activities to build a communication platform for experts and business, between businesses and their customers . More than 200 well-known international companies to participate in this exhibition biological, focus on publishing the latest scientific and technological achievements, showcase cutting-edge technology and the industry’s future. And differ from the previous exhibition, this exhibition in particular new biomedical products equipment display area, exhibitors exhibitors involved in pharmaceuticals, vaccines, antibiotics, blood factors, growth factors, immune-stimulating factor, immunoassay kits, reactors, measurement and control engineering, laboratory equipment, biomedical high-tech transformation platform and investment and financing platform.

Currently, bio-industry is extensive and profound impact on all aspects of economic and social life, and biotechnology as health, environment, resources, and other issues to provide a new solution. With the continuous development of modern biotechnology, genetic testing, immunotherapy, protein engineering and other new technology has made rapid development, biotechnology and life and health industry has become a new growth point of the world focus on the development.

Shenzhen biological industry average annual growth rate of 15%

In recent years, the relevant state ministries and the careful guidance and support, to maintain the momentum of Guangdong biotechnology industry healthy and rapid development. “Twelve Five” period, Guangdong Province, the major biotechnology bio-industry holding 12% of the industrial competitiveness of rapid growth, biotechnology and other services among the nation’s Pearl River Delta region has become the most important biological industry gathering area one.

Shenzhen is China’s reform and opening up the window and plots, biological and life and health industry also in the forefront in planning policy guidance, talent introduction and training, innovation and ability to enhance other aspects of the strong support of bio-industry development, building national bio-industry base, Shenzhen BioValley number of important carrier, bio-incubator, Shenzhen national high-tech innovation centers, foster the biological breakdown of leading enterprises, and promote the rapid development of leading the country and the world’s leading companies.

Since 2012, Shenzhen has held for four consecutive biological life and health industry exhibition and two BT Shenzhen International Leadership Summit to give the community wide attention and recognition.